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Chinese state councilor calls for strenuous efforts in final preparations for Paris Olympics

Time:2024-06-03 19:42:02 Source:politicsViews(143)

With 100 days out to the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris, Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin has called for strenuous efforts from Chinese athletes and coaches in the final phase of their preparations for the Games.

Shen made the remarks during her inspection of the training bases of China's fencing and shooting teams in Beijing on Wednesday. She learned about the teams' Olympic preparations and held talks with representatives of athletes, coaches, and staff.

Shen called on the athletes and coaches to enhance their sense of mission, responsibility, and honor to train hard, improve their skills, boost their spirits, and strive for the best results.

Shen also stressed the importance of anti-doping, calling on the athletes and coaches to prepare for the Games with integrity, maintain good sportsmanship and vie for medals morally and cleanly.

The Paris Olympics will take place from July 26 to August 11. 

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